vzgajanje brokolija

Vegetables A-Z: broccoli

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Brassica oleracea Cultivation Cultivate broccoli seedlings and plant them gradually, as the flowers have to be picked regularly. Broccoli can handle lower temperature than cauliflower. Distance between plants At least 40 cm (15 in) between rows and at least 40 cm (15 in) between plants as well. Location Sunny. Amount 3 plants per person. Time […]

vzgajanje artičoke

Vegetables A-Z: artichoke

Posted on Posted in Gardening tips, Vegetables A-Z

Cynara scolymus Cultivation Cultivate seedlings from seeds. Artichoke needs deep, humus soil, enriched with mature barn manure. Prepare it for winter by tying the leaves together, wrapping them with corn straw or spruce branches and garden cover, and covering soil around with organic mulch, straw, hay or leaves, topped with compost. Distance between plants Make […]