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Physiological disorders

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Leaf or leaf edges yellowing

This can occur after a longer period of heavy rains or cold rainy weather. Because the soil is stiff and without air, roots don’t develop properly and the plants don’t get enough food. Keeping the soil soft is crucial.

Leaf twisting on tomato plant

The tomato plant leaves twist to protect themselves from strong sun and drying out; you shouldn’t be worried.


Find the lettuce sorts that do not mind days being too long. Plant soft-leaf lettuce only in early spring, as they are most sensitive about long days. Personal experience with different sorts is the best to follow.

Radicchio and endive seedlings should be thinned out and not planted too son – if the day is still long when the plant is developed, it will bolt.

Onions need cold to create a stem for blooms. If the bulb is too big, the winter cold causes bolting; therefore plant only small bulbs (less than 2cm). If they bolt, remove the stem as soon as possible.

Carrots bolt if their sorts are not clean. The early sorts can bolt if they get picked too late and it was cold.

There are more reasons for bolting and can be avoided by planting in the proper time and taking care of the plants’ health.

Weather problems

You can avoid problems with cold by sowing plants at proper times. It also helps to cultivate seedlings inside instead of sowing directly outside, by using covers (straw, garden fabric) and by strengthening solutions from algae or valerian tea.

After hail or storm wait a few days before acting, to see what damage has been caused. Then plant new crops where it is reasonable, as damaged crops can’t be stored easily. Remove broken parts and damaged fruits from the affected plants. Fertilize moderately, best with fast-release mineral fertilizers, or organic solutions of milk and water or chamomile, sage, or thyme tea. Soften the soil and cover with organic mulch. Water the plants with solutions from algae or other amino acids.

  • Suzi Adam

    Watercress is generally safe for consumption when eaten in moderate amounts. However, some individuals may experience allergic reactions,digestive upset, or interactions with certain medications. If you havespe cific health concerns, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional.