vzgajanje šalotke

Vegetables A-Z: shallot

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Allium cepa Cultivation It is grown from separate bulbs, but some varieties can be sown as well. Put the bulb in the soil with the neck facing upwards. It grows above 7 °C (45 °C), optimum temperatures for growth are around 20 °C (68 °F). Distance between plants At least 30 cm (12 in) between […]

seme, setev in sadike


Posted on Posted in General, Vegetables A-Z

Seeds Considering the conditions on your garden, your knowledge, time and price, you have to decide among sowing outside, growing seedlings or buying seedlings. Each of these has certain pros and cons: direct sowing is cheap and simple, but you cannot control the environmental conditions, and harvest is late. Growing seedlings enables controlling the environment […]

vzgajanje rukole

Vegetables A-Z: rucola

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Rucola selvatica Cultivation It grows best in the cooler part of the year. To have young leaves available for longer time, sow in smaller amounts once a week. Distance between plants It doesn’t need its own garden bed; it can be sown with lettuce or radicchio. If you do plant separately, leave 15 cm (6 […]

vzgajanje repe

Vegetables A-Z: turnip

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Brassica rapa Cultivation Sow directly to the regular place. It grows in low temperatures as well – some degrees above 0 °C (32 °F). Distance between plants At least 30 cm (12 in) between rows. Thin out the plants in a row to 20 cm (8 in) distance. Location Sunny. Amount To 20 plants per […]

vzgajanje regrata

Vegetables A-Z: dandelion

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Taraxacum officinale Cultivation It can be picked in nature or grown in the garden in the regular place. Distance between plants / Location Sunny or half-shaded. Amount To 10 plants per person. Time of planting April-June. Fertilization Little, with home compost. Watering In long-lasting drought water once a week. Dandelion’s good neighbors Grow separately, it […]

vzgajanje redkvice

Vegetables A-Z: radish

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Raphanus sativus Cultivation Sow directly to the regular spot and shade. It is not demanding to grow. Distance between plants At least 30 cm (12 in) between rows, and put plants in a row tightly together. Thin out regularly afterwards. It can be planted among other plants, such as carrots, to soften its soil. Location […]

vzgajanje redkve

Vegetables A-Z: black radish

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Raphanus sativus Cultivation Sow directly to the regular spot and shade. It is not a demanding plant. Distance between plants At least 30 cm (12 in) between rows. Thin the plants in a row out to 15 cm (6 in) distance. Location Half-shaded. Amount Up to 10 plants per person. Time of planting February-April, and […]

vzgajanje rabarbare

Vegetables A-Z: rhubarb

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Rheum rhabarbarum Cultivation Grow as a perennial and grow grafts from root parts of and adult plant. Pick the flowers before they bloom fully, as they use a lot of nutrients. Transplant to another place after 10 years, when it is already ages and will decay quicker in worse conditions. Distance between plants One plant […]

vzgajanje pora

Vegetables A-Z: leek

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Allium porrum Cultivation Grow from seedlings or directly from seeds in the regular spot. Cultivate seedlings in a cool, protected place, and enable higher temperatures for germination. When transplanting, shorten the root system to strengthen it and cover the soil with organic mulch. It grows above 7 °C (45 °F); optimum temperatures are around 20 […]