vzgajanje zelene

Vegetables A-Z: celery

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Apium graveolens Cultivation Grow from seedlings, because the plant grows slowly in the beginning. Distance between plants At least 40 cm (15 in) between rows and 30 cm (12 in) between plants in a row. Location Half-shaded. Amount 6 to 10 plants per person. Time of planting End of January and February for seedlings in […]

bolezni rastlin

Vegetable diseases

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Diseases on garden plants are caused by fungi, viruses, bacteria or inanimate factors. The plants are more likely to get infected if the soil contains too much organic matter (e.g. excess nitrogen from fertilizing), in bad weather conditions and if the seedlings were stressed. Therefore you have to strengthen the crops with various solutions on […]

vzgajanje špinače

Vegetables A-Z: spinach

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Spinacia oleracea Cultivation It is grown from seedlings (with root clod, several plants in one pot) or sown outside. Plant in rows and till regularly as it needs airy soil. It grows above 5 °C (41 °F). Optimum temperatures for growth and development are around 18 °C (64 °F). Distance between plants At least 20 […]

fiziološke motnje

Physiological disorders

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Leaf or leaf edges yellowing This can occur after a longer period of heavy rains or cold rainy weather. Because the soil is stiff and without air, roots don’t develop properly and the plants don’t get enough food. Keeping the soil soft is crucial. Leaf twisting on tomato plant The tomato plant leaves twist to […]

vzgajanje špargljev

Vegetables A-Z: asparagus

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Asparagus officinalis L Cultivation It can be grown from seeds and transplanted when the roots overgrow their space. Hybrids germinate better, but they don’t have seeds and can only be purchased like seedlings. Don’t cut off shoots in the first two years to strengthen the plant. Distance between plants At least 2 m (6.5 ft) […]

gnojenje rastlin

Vegetable fertilization

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General Plants need phosphorus for developing a strong root system and blooms; and potassium for immunity and the quality of fruits. Plants with green parts need some more nitrogen. Adding wrong fertilizers can result in weaker root system, too fast growth or poor resistance against disease. Never fertilize randomly; first check which nutrients are needed […]

vzgajanje šopastega česna

Vegetables A-Z: garlic chives

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Allium tuberosum Cultivation It is a perennial. It can be sown or transplanted as a part of the adult plan bunches. Distance between plants 40 cm (15 in) between bunches. Location Sunny to half-shaded. Amount Two bunches per family. Time of planting January for sowing. The seeds germinate in two to three weeks. Fertilization With […]


Crop rotation

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Crops don’t grow well several years in a row in the same soil. Therefore their place in the garden has to be changed – rotated. This enables an even usage of nutrients from the soil and slower spreading of disease and pests. The main rule of crop rotation is: each year a crop from different […]

vrtno namakanje

Watering the plants

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Water is the main constituent of plants and it also helps plants receive all the needed nutrients. Therefore they should never be short of and you have to water your garden in drought. Some general rules for successful irrigation: Make sure your soil is soft so they receive water and the rain doesn’t flow off […]