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Vegetables A-Z: shallot

Posted on Posted in Gardening tips, Vegetables A-Z

Allium cepa


It is grown from separate bulbs, but some varieties can be sown as well. Put the bulb in the soil with the neck facing upwards. It grows above 7 °C (45 °C), optimum temperatures for growth are around 20 °C (68 °F).

Distance between plants

At least 30 cm (12 in) between rows and at least 20 cm (8 in) between plants in a row.




Approx. 15 plants per person.

Time of planting

As early as possible, in March or April. Sow for seedlings in January. You can plant in fall as well.


It doesn’t need soft soil. If needed, add potassium or fertilize with wood ash.


When the bulbs are swelling, they need a lot of moisture. Water 15 cm deep twice a week. Use organic

Shallot’s good neighbors

Zucchini, kohlrabi, carrots, cucumbers, tomato, parsley, parsnip, beetroot, lettuce, strawberries, anis, dill, chamomile, potato, radicchio.

Shallot’s bad neighbors

Beans, peas, broad beans, chickpea, Savoy cabbage, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, chives, leek, black radish.

Diseases and pests

Onion fly, thrips. Set adhesive boards near and when the first flies get caught, cover tightly (with arches over the plants). Keep the soil soft and the right distance between the rows. Don’t plant in the same place for at least five years. Don’t fertilize with nitrogen or barn manure.

Shallot’s storage

Pick together with leaves; when these get dry, bind into bunches and dry in a dry place. Store in a dry place in net bags or hang in bunches.


Use ripe bulbs, similarly like onion.


Don’t fertilize with barn manure or nitrogen. It is sensitive to the length of the day, so plant early. If you want to get thicker bulbs, pull out the shallots from the middle.


It is very similar to onions, but less sensitive to cold and easier to store.

  • Suzi Adam

    Shallots and onions share many health benefits as they both contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. They have similar potential benefits for heart health, immune support, and anti-inflammatory effects. However, specific research comparing the health benefits of shallots and onions is limited.