vzgajanje čebulnic

Bulb vegetables

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Bulb vegetables can be recognized by their characteristic smell. They are an important source of vitamins, minerals, essential oils and other beneficial substances. They decrease blood sugar levels and work as a natural antibiotic. They include onion, garlic, leek, chives and others. They don’t need a lot of nutrients and you don’t have to fertilize […]

vzgajanje gomoljnic

Tuber vegetables

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Tuber vegetables reserve additional food in thickened parts of stem (tubers). The best known tuber vegetable is potato. Tuber crops need a lot of nutrients and can be planted in the same garden bed only every three years. The best fertilizer for them is barn manure, but home compost will do as well. They need […]

vzgajanje kapusnic


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They belong to the order of crucifers and play an important source of vitamins and minerals in our diet. At the same time their energetic values are low and are good for losing weight diets. They include cabbage, turnip, kohlrabi, Savoy cabbage, Chinese cabbage, radish, black radish etc. They can be harmed by several pests, […]

vzgajanje korenovk

Root vegetables

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Root vegetables include plants with edible roots – carrots, beetroot, parsley, celery etc. They are especially useful in winter, as they are easy to store in cool and not too dry cellars. Another advantage of root vegetables is their resistance against weather conditions. They do not like barn manure. Fertilize with home compost or purchased […]

vzgajanje plodovk


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They include cucurbits (squash, cucumbers, zucchini, melons, watermelons etc.) and nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants etc.). Phosphorus is especially important for their cultivation, while too much nitrogen makes the energy go into their leaves and makes them less resistant to diseases and pests. The best fertilizer for cucurbits is barn manure, while for nightshades it […]

vzgajanje solatnic

Salad vegetables

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Salad vegetables are very popular and include different types – lettuce, endive, radicchio, lamb’s lettuce etc. They grow fast, are good to fill an empty garden bed and can be cultivated almost throughout the year. They need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to grow, but too much nitrogen in fertilizers can cause harm. Avoid mineral types […]

vzgajanje špinačnic

Spinach vegetables

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Spinach vegetables are among the first spring garden vegetables and offer a variety of vitamins and minerals. Fertilize moderately, best with home compost only, and avoid nitrogen. Use as young leaves as possible for food and remove their stems. They need soft soil, tilling and enough potassium. They don’t like excess water or being planted […]

vzgajanje stročnic


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Legumes are an important source of protein in our diet. They include beans, peas, lentils, soybean, broad beans, chickpea, peanuts etc. when fertilizing, avoid chemical disinfection of soil and sprays or mineral fertilizers. Keep the soil soft, airy and without weeds. Legumes are very good for green fertilizing. When harvesting, don’t pull the plants out, […]